Tuesday, March 22, 2011

Better Late Than Never.

It might be because I'm mostly Irish, or it could be because my birthstone is emerald, or it could even be that I like potatoes and the color green too much, but I absolutely love St. Patrick's Day.
Not "okay with it."
Not "tolerates it."
Not "like it."
Love it.
St. Patty's Day is definately in my top 5 holidays, but I've always had a liking for Ireland in general. Irish food, Irish coffee, Irish Spring, etcetra.
I especially love Irish music. I was dissappointed that I couldn't see Dropkick Murpheys last year at Bonnaroo, but this year I'll get to see Mumford & Sons. :D  I know they aren't technically Irish, but their music absolutely has some Irish basis. So, yes, I'm excited.
Eventually I might go to Ireland. Meet the people, try the food, learn the language, learn to Riverdance (hopefully). Maybe even find out more of my family tree.
Hopefully it isn't as stereotypical over there as most people think, with leprechauns running around with ridiculous names like "Andrew O'McNolinshire."


  1. LOVE THIS POST! We are birds if a feather! I feel the same way about St. Pattick's Day. I always have.

  2. Dropkick Murphys woo hoo (forgot to add that)
