Thursday, April 7, 2011

The Wrestling Season

Last Wednesday, I had the opprotunity to preview MRC's The Wrestling Season (by Laurie Brooks), and all I can say is this,
There are really no words to describe how great it was, but I'm going to try to do it justice anyways.
First off, instead of a typical theatre setting with a stage, it was a wrestling mat surrounded by chairs. This feature gives the audience a feeling of interaction as opposed to spectation.
Secondly, the plot is amazing. It moves relatively quickly, yet is very deep. It has also managed to target two problems most teenagers face: rumors and bullying.
Plus, there is a feedback forum -ish-type-thing after every performance where the audience has the opprotunity to discuss their reactions and observations with cast members.
This play is also generally for mature teens, meaning teens that can look deeper than what's just "on the surface".
Overall, this is a very well done play, and I recommend it to anyone who is interested

The Wrestling Season is rated PG-13 for some mild language.
Directed by Robert Allen
April 7, 8, and 9 at 7:30 p.m and April 9 and 10 at 2:30 at the Duck River Electric Membership Corporation building, 213 East Fort Street, Manchester, TN.
Tickets are $8.
Call (931) 409-0290 to reserve tickets. (This is helpful. Believe me, there's a full house.)

Concessions will be sold by the Teen Actors' Guild.